Agendas & Minutes

Image courtesy of Shayne Embry.


  • 10/14/2024

Call Meeting to Order Welcome Guests

1. Review and approve minutes from last month

2. Review Finance information for the Sewer Plant Project

3. Guests Tina Pierce

Mayor's correspondence/Personnel If during the course of the meeting, discussion of any item on the agenda should be held in closed meeting, the Council will conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, subchapter D & E of the Government code section 418-183(f). This is to certify that I, Renay Stockard posted the bid and hearing notices on the front window of the city Hall facingthe outside at 200 PM Friday October 11th, 2024.

Renay Stockard, City Secretary


* 11/11/2024

 City Council Meeting Agenda Community Center November 11h, 2024 7pm

Call Meeting to order Welcome Guests Consent Items:

A: Minutes from last meeting

B: Financial Reports

C: Discuss and act upon Bosque County Appraisal Dist. Budget

D: Vote on Resolution applying for Texas Community Development Block Grant

Discuss and act on all items relating to the Water Department

Discuss and act on all items relating to the Street Department

Discuss and act on all items relating to the Community Center

Discuss and act on all items relating to the Park

Discuss anything relating to the Grant Mayor's Correspondence

If, during the course of the meeting, discussion of any item on the agenda should be held in closed meeting, the council will conduct a closed meeting in accordance with the Texas Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code, Chapter 551, Subchapters D and E or Texas Government Code section 418-183(f). This is to certify that I, Renay Stockard, posted this agenda on the front window of the City Hall facing to the oytside att1;00 AM on 11/08/2024

Renay Stockard, City Secretary

Minutes of Past Meetings

  • 10/14/2024

City of Cranfills Gap City Council Meeting Monday October 14th, 2024 Community Center

Mayor Witte called Council meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Council Members present were: Own Carlson, Charles Forsythe, Larry Simmons, Trent Pierce and Christen Kettler.

Greeted guest in attendance; Patricia Forsythe and Scott Rierson

Minutes for prior monthly meeting were reviewed, minor spelling corrections noted. Councilmen Carlson moved to accept the minutes, seconded by Councilwoman Kettler. Motion for approval carried 5 to 0.

Tina Pierce, who requested to speakwith the council was unable to make the meeting. Mayor Witte explained that Ms. Pierce states she has been billed for 2 trash cans but only has 1. The bill for October was credited for the additional trash can. Her initial desire was to have credit issued for 2 years of over payment. Due to the untimely notice and the inability to confirm only 1 trash can it was determined no further credit would be due.

Councilmen Carlson brought up that rates should be on the application completed when you setup an account for Water.

Also, the number of trash cans should be indicated on the application.

WATER: Councilmen Carlson shared that there was a new meter installed. Also, indicated that if another meter were to be added to that portion, they would have to have a larger line. The line is on 2d street and 219. Councilmen Simmons brought up the water line repair at Sue Lee's. He indicated that the plumber brought a small excavator to dig the line. Stated that the line had been run over and that there were 45's on the line and not straight, and lines were crimped on both ends. Mayor indicated to look at the picture of install from 2022, shows the 45 and it was not damaged. Resident Lee uses the property belonging to the City and has probably run it over with a trailer. Mayor states that the City will not pay the repair bill if it is the resident's fault. Mayor asked Councilmember Kettler how the "Café Compound" could function without water. She indicated that she did not know, but water was turned off. Mayor Witte asked to double check that the meters were locked. (After meeting it was confirmed that meters are locked)

STREETS: Councilmen Pierce states that they were supposed to start on the street repairs such as on Hamilton and Weise, but they have not as of today. Councilmen Forsythe asked about the Bridge repair and Councilmen Pierce stated that he is looking into ways to repair the bridge without taking it out. Mayor Witte stated to get Ronnie's opinion on it, request it be given in writing.

PARK: Councilmen Forsythe states that the park was mowed and weedeated. He indicated that residents were wanting to have Christmas all the way through the park again. Councilmen Forsythe also mentioned that there was gravel bunching up everywhere and he is having to spread it out. Appears that the flooding has was out all the top soil. Asked the Mayor if something was going to be done about the fence around the pump station. Mayor Witte responded that due to the sewer plant project it was recommended by the engineer to wait and not do it twice.

COMMUNITY CENTER: Councilmen Kettler stated that nothing much was happening aside from Bacon Bash renting. She asked Councilmen Carlson if they paid full price for rental and he indicated that they did, and further stated that they had paid the deposit ahead of time. General Comments: Councilman Carlson asked about the time on the construction of the new sewer plant, Mayor Witte explained that the contractor would have 365 days from the start date to complete. Start date has not yet been determined. It was noted that the Current station had been pumped for sludge. Councilman Carlson commented that the speed is too fast in town. People have a hard time backing out of businesses. Councilwoman Kettler asked if the downtown area would be re-striped. The Mayor indicated that they at one time had a template to do the stripes with but was unsure if they still had it. Would have to discuss further. Mayor Witte called for a motion to adjourn. Councilwoman Kettler made motion, Councilmen Pierce second. Motion carried 5 -0. The meeting adjourned at 7:43 pm.

Renay Stockard, City Secretary



City of Cranfills Gap City Council Meeting Monday November 11th, 2024 Community Center

Mayor Witte called Council meeting to order at 7:00 PM.

Council Members present were -Owen Carlson, Larry Simmons, Charles Forsythe, Trent Pierce, Christen Kettler

Greeted guest in attendance, Patricia Forsythe, Chris Talbert

Mayor asked Council members if they had reviewed financial reports and agreed with them?

Mayor Witte informed the council that there had been a $200 park donation made by Donna Kersey.

Councilmen Carlson asked about the new QuickBookS program and how it was going. Secretary responded that it was going well.

Motion was made by Councilmen Simmons to approve financials, Councilmen Pierce second motion. Motion passed 5 to0. Mayor Witte explained to the Council that the Bosque County Appraisal Dist. was taking another vote on the budget.

Per Arlene Swiney they feel the budget is still too high, therefore they are taking another vote. Councilmen Carlson made motion to vote no on the budget, Councilmen Forsythe second. Vote carried on the motion passed5 to 0. Resolution for well grant was read and presented by Mayor Witte, it states that there are funds available of $750k and the City of Cranfills Gap would be required to contribute $15k. Because the City has gotten a grant within the last 3 years the chances may be slim of obtaining the new grant offered. However, if the application was not submitted then the City surely would not havea chance. Since the $750k would go a long way toward obtaining a new well it is worth the effort to apply. Councilmen Pierce motioned to submit the application for the grant and Councilmen Carlson second the motion. Vote carried on the motion 5 -0.

WATER: Per Councilmen Carlson the Roa's had a leak and he request that a new meter be put in. Also, mentioned that Sorrells and Keizer need new meters. There was a leak in the bar ditch around 4h and Bronstad the Councilmen Carlson got Chadco to fix. Councilmen Carlson informed everyone that at the Old Post Office that the meter has a faucet now. The meter is locked up and there was approximately 148 gallons used for Bacon Bash. Asked council members and Mayor if a donation of $100 would be fair. All members agreed that would be fair. Mayor Witte indicated that the City still had not received a bill from Kettler so that it can be forwarded to Bob Vertiale. Mayor discussed bill from MJ Utilities - informing council that a bill had come with the new flat monthly rate but that it also included some hourly. This was discussed by the Mayor with Marilyn and MJ Utilities. The final resolution is that the City will pay a flat fee and Marilyn will keep up with the highs and lows in the billing to ensure monthly rate is fair.

SEWER: Per Councilmen Simmons Chase indicated everything was good at the sewer plant. Chase is supposed to be twice a day to check the levels. In regard to the Lift station at Councilmen Carlson's house the pump was pumping backwards. Per Staas the capacitor was wired backwards. Even though this is the case of work being done incorrectly Staas believes they can get it covered under warranty.

STREETS: According to Councilmen Pierce the Pot Hole Dr. did the school and also did 5 street which was not even on the docket. Councilmen Pierce indicated that they were not done, no grade at all had been done. Mayor suggested that a letter be written to the state, and to stay after Ronny. Councilmen Pierce inquired with everyone what color stripes they wanted for parking down Main street and everyone stated white. Mayor mentioned that the state had cleaned out the ditch.

PARK: Councilmen Forsythe indicated that plugs had been replaced at the park and that knocked out lights had been replaced with LED ights. This should make it harder for them to be knocked out. Decorations should start going up in about 2wks, will not be going all the way back due to the flood damage and erosion. Per Councilmen Forsythe there will also be no hot dogs or hot chocolate for the lighting. Per councilmen Forsythe he had spoken with someone about cleaning out the trash in the creek but they have not gotten back with him. He indicated that the Memorial for Veterans Day had a nice turn out. He has also sent out letters in regard to the state of some properties. Had gotten only 2 responses from the letters sent. Councilmen Forsythe also indicated that he needed to get a spotlight for the sign on Hwy. 22 as one of the lights was out. Councilmen Carlson asked if perhaps the City would be interested in purchasing a sign that says SLoW TRAFFIC, this might assist with the high speed of traffic downtown. You are not able to see when pulling away from the buildings, Councilmen Carlson further indicated. Councilmen Simmons stated that you are not able to park a dually in the spaces.

COMMUNITY CENTER: Mayor Witte stated that there needs to be a new lock on the back door, the current situation with it is not secure. Also, the light by the mens restroom is out. Councilwoman Kettler indicated that there needed to be some glue traps brought in as she had seen mice. Additionally, she proposed that the tables and chairs be put up off the floor and left on the rolling carts. This Would make it easier to clean, and the tables and chairs would not be dragged across the floor. The Mayor suggested finding out about another table dolly. Councilwoman Kettler is to look for pricing on it and get back with the council. Mayor said that he did not think that there would be a problem with putting everything up off the floors.

ADDITIONAL TOPICS: GRANT-Per Mayor Witte the lawyer conta cted the TWB and asked about the collateral for the Government Capital loan. Lawyer was told that it was taxes. Went to FSSB and setup new account that will be for handling the Government Capital Loan so that it is separate and can be easily audited. Buck Thomason-Mayor Witte informed everyone that because we cannot city flowers from the City that he sent a letter of condolence to the family from the City. Mayor Witte called for a motion to adjourn. Councilmen Pierce made motion and Councilwoman Kettler second the motion. Motion carried 5 -0. The meeting adjourned at 8:0 pm.

Renay Stockard, City Secretary